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This queue is for tickets about the CGI-AutoForm CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 56566
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: CGI-AutoForm

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: Heinzmann.Elconas [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Search with password fields fails
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 19:13:52 +0200
To: bug-CGI-AutoForm [...]
From: Heinzmann.Elconas [...]
Hello, when using input_control_type= "PASSWORD" search fails with an error message (see below). I can insert new records (confirmation field is shown). Software: - cruddy-1.02 - CGI-AutoForm-1.03 - DBIx-IO-1.07 Database: Oracle Error message: [Tue Apr 13 19:03:12 2010] [error] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] Field type [] not recognized for USERPASSWORT at /opt/oracle/app/lib/CGI/ line 1720., referer: http ://HOST/cgi-bin/ Schema: Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- ID_DB_USER NOT NULL NUMBER NAME VARCHAR2(200) USERPASSWORT VARCHAR2(200) BEMERKUNG VARCHAR2(1999) ID_DB_INSTANZ NUMBER Meta Definition: -- DB USER INSERT INTO ui_table_column (table_name, field_name, appear_order, searchable, updatable, insertable ) values ('DB_USER','ID_DB_USER',10, 'Y','N','N' ); INSERT INTO ui_table_column (table_name, field_name, appear_order, searchable, updatable, insertable, brief_heading, search_control_type, required) values ('DB_USER','NAME',20, 'Y','Y','Y', 'Name', 'MATCH TEXT', 'Y'); INSERT INTO ui_table_column (table_name, field_name, appear_order, searchable, updatable, insertable, input_control_type, field_group, heading) values ('DB_USER','USERPASSWORT',30, 'Y','Y','Y', 'PASSWORD', 'CONFIRM', 'Password'); INSERT INTO ui_table_column (table_name, field_name, appear_order, searchable, updatable, insertable, brief_heading, search_control_type) values ('DB_USER','BEMERKUNG',40, 'Y','Y','Y', 'Kommentar', 'MATCH TEXT' ); INSERT INTO ui_table_column (table_name, field_name, appear_order, heading, searchable, updatable, insertable, input_control_type, multi_insert_delimiter, search_control_type, search_mult_select, use_data_dict, datatype, default_value, required, input_size, input_maxlength, brief_heading, alt_mask_field, mask_table_name, mask_field_name, id_field_name, no_cache, radio_checkbox_cols, field_group, element_attrs, help_summary) VALUES ('DB_USER','ID_DB_INSTANZ',50,'Datenbank','Y','Y','Y','SELECT',NULL,'SELECT',4,'Y',NULL,NULL,'Y',NULL,NULL,'Datenbank',NULL,'DB_INSTANZ','NAME','ID_DB_INSTANZ','Y',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); Regards, Robert -- Robert Heinzmann
This should be fixed in 1.04. Thanks, -Reed