Subject: | Alarming errors when a download method fails |
Alarming errors when a download method fails, even when the next one
works. In Makefile_1.PL and the attached log, log1.txt, see how the FTP
download failed, many warnings were displayed, then the HTTP download
was attempted and successful. The error in the FTP process lets the user
think that M::I::Bundle failed to bundle the specified dependency.
Subject: | Makefile_test_1.PL |
use inc::Module::Install;
name 'GAAS';
all_from 'lib/';
build_requires 'Test::More';
print "Requiring a module that contains a single *.pm file\n";
requires 'CSS::Tiny';
Subject: | log1.txt |
$ perl Makefile_test_1.PL
include /home/floflooo/Work/GAAS/program/GAAS/inc/Module/
include inc/Module/Install/
include inc/Module/Install/
Requiring a module that contains a single *.pm file
include inc/Module/Install/
[MSG] Trying to get ''
Fetch failed! HTTP response: 404 Not Found [404 Can't chdir to authors] at /usr/share/perl/5.10/CPANPLUS/Internals/ line 396
Could not fetch '/pub/CPAN/authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/CSS-Tiny-1.15.tar.gz' from '' at /usr/share/perl/5.10/CPANPLUS/Internals/ line 396
Command failed: at /usr/share/perl/5.10/CPANPLUS/Internals/ line 396
Command failed: at /usr/share/perl/5.10/CPANPLUS/Internals/ line 396
Command failed: get: Access failed: 550 /pub/CPAN/authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/CSS-Tiny-1.15.tar.gz: No such file or directory.
at /usr/share/perl/5.10/CPANPLUS/Internals/ line 396
[ERROR] Fetching of '' failed: Command failed: get: Access failed: 550 /pub/CPAN/authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/CSS-Tiny-1.15.tar.gz: No such file or directory.
[MSG] Trying to get ''
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/META.yml'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/README'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/Makefile.PL'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/LICENSE'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/test.css'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/MANIFEST'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/Changes'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/lib/'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/lib/CSS/'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/lib/CSS/'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/t/'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/t/99_pmv.t'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/t/01_compile.t'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/t/03_inline_clone.t'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/t/98_pod.t'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS-Tiny-1.15/t/02_main.t'
[MSG] Extracted 'CSS::Tiny' to '/home/floflooo/Work/GAAS/program/GAAS/inc/BUNDLES/CSS-Tiny-1.15'
include inc/Module/Install/
include inc/Module/Install/
include inc/Module/Install/
include inc/Module/Install/
include inc/Module/Install/
Writing Makefile for GAAS
Writing META.yml