Subject: | Sequence Numbers wrong for IPFIX |
For IPFIX over UDP the sequence number should be "the total number of
IPFIX Data Records sent for the UDP Transport Session prior to the
receipt of this IPFIX Message, modulo 2^32."
--RFC 5101 section 10.3.2
The current implementation uses the total number of data records
"inclusive" of the current IPFIX message.
It also looks like sequence numbers are skipped, but I suspect this is a
result of Bug #55838.
Subject: | |
use strict;
use Net::Flow qw(decode encode) ;
use IO::Socket::INET ;
use Socket;
use Data::Dumper;
my $receive_port = 9995;
my $send_port = 9996;
my $ErrorsArrayRef;
my $packet;
my $TemplateRef;
sub flow_ver() {10} # 9 or 10
sub SetId() { flow_ver() == 9 ? 0 : 2 }
my $MyTemplateRef={
SetId => SetId,
TemplateId =>300,
Template => [
{ Length => 4, Id => 8 }, # SRC_ADDR
{ Length => 4, Id => 12 }, # DST_ADDR
{ Length => 4, Id => 2 }, # PKTS
{ Length => 4, Id => 1 }, # BYTES
{ Length => 2, Id => 7 }, # SRC_PORT
{ Length => 2, Id => 11 }, # DST_PORT
{ Length => 1, Id => 4 }, # PROT
{ Length => 1, Id => 5 }, # TOS
{ Length => 4, Id => 34 }, # SAMPLING_INT
{ Length => 4, Id => 35 }, # SAMPLING_ALG
} ;
my @MyTemplates = ( $MyTemplateRef ) ;
warn Dumper(\@MyTemplates), "\n";
my $EncodeHeaderHashRef = {
SourceId => 0,
VersionNum => flow_ver,
SequenceNum => 0,
ObservationDomainId => 0,
} ;
my $s_sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => '',
PeerPort => $send_port,
Proto => 'udp' ) ;
my @flows;
for (0..255){
#incorporate $_ into a few flows so we can see which flows get encoded.
push @flows, { SetId=>300,
35=>pack('N',2), };
for (1..1) {
for my $FlowArrayRef ( [ @flows ] ) {
my $PktsArrayRef = undef ;
$EncodeHeaderHashRef->{SysUpTime} = $^T-time;
$EncodeHeaderHashRef->{UnixSecs} = time;
warn Dumper($EncodeHeaderHashRef), "\n";
( $EncodeHeaderHashRef,
= Net::Flow::encode(
warn "=====================================\n";
warn Dumper($EncodeHeaderHashRef), "\n";
grep{ print "$_\n" }@{$ErrorsArrayRef} if( @{$ErrorsArrayRef} ) ;
foreach my $Ref (@{$PktsArrayRef}){
$s_sock->send($$Ref) ;