CC: | sns-perl [...] |
Subject: | select_nodes only returns one node even when many match |
I hope I'm not just having a late-night brain problem. I'm using
select_nodes on a tree generated through Flickr::API that is very much
like the example given here:
I'm wanting a list of all of the tags. With $tree as my tree of this
<photo> document, I do:
my $xpath = new XML::Parser::Lite::Tree::XPath($tree);
my @tags = $xpath->select_nodes('/photo/tags/tag');
But scalar(@tags) == 1 no matter how many tags are present (assuming
any are present). The same result is returned for select_nodes('/photo/
tags/*') or just '//tag'. I can just do select_nodes('/photo/tags') and
then loop over the children, but that seems to defeat the purpose of
using XPath.
It seems like a big enough problem that I must be doing something
wrong, but I cannot seem to figure out what. If any more info or
testing would be useful, please let me know.