Subject: | readdir isn't implemented |
readdir isn't implemented
I saw:
#if 0
* This doesn't yet work... we alwas get ENOSYS when trying to use readdir().
* Well, of course, getdir() is fine as well.
int _PLfuse_readdir(const char *file, void *dirh, fuse_fill_dir_t dirfil, off_t off, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
But it's a big problem:
while reading huge directory perl will "eat" a lot of memory for data structures used to store all directory entries & it
won't return it to the system after :(
I checked changelog at fuse project wiki:
API 23:
- getdir is deprecated in favor of readdir
May be, we can implement it now?
I can try to add such a code, but I'm not an experienced XS coder.
Please clarify situation.