Subject: | SOAP::WSDL generates inavlid perl code |
The SOAP service we wish to subscribe to has a lot of elements, types
and attributes with hyphens. SOAP::WSDL generates Perl code that won't
compile because of this:
E.g - in an Element response package.
my %node-id_of :ATTR(:get<node-id>);
[ qw(
) ],
node-id => \%node-id_of,
node-id => 'SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Builtin::string',
E.g. in a type package:
package EM6::Types::trading_date_1min::_trading-date-1min::XmlAttr;
The compiler barfs on the instances of node-id and the hyphens in the
package name.