Subject: | Possible bug in Local-Lib, can't create Makefile |
I hope that this is a real problem and not me doing something
stupid, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, and I am
using AIX, so...
I'm running AIX
Using Perl 5.8.7
I have Module::Build installed.
This is essentially what I'm getting.
mamaro@hattie $ perl Makefile.PL --bootstrap
Dispatching deprecated method 'CPAN::Config::load' to CPAN::HandleConfig
CPAN: File::HomeDir loaded ok (v0.88)
Possibly invalid config detected in makepl_arg: PREFIX=~/
SITELIBEXP=~/lib/perl5 LIB=~/lib/perl5 INSTALLMAN1DIR=~/share/man/man1
INSTALLMAN3DIR=~/share/man/man3 INSTALLSITEMAN1DIR=~/share/man/man1
INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR=~/share/man/man3 at Makefile.PL line 207.
No makefile gets generated.
I apologize in advance if this is caused by me doing something stupid.