Subject: | get_info(28) SQL_IDENTIFIER_CASE seems to return the wrong value |
perl -MDBI -le '$h =
returns 3 which is SQL_IC_SENSITIVE described as:
Identifiers in SQL are case-sensitive and are stored in mixed case in
system catalog.
I thought it should be SQL_IC_UPPER:
Identifiers in SQL are not case-sensitive and are stores in uppercase in
system catalog.
drop table mje;
drop table "mje";
create table mje (a int);
select * from mje;
no rows selected
select * from "MJE";
no rows selected
drop table mje;
create table "mje" (a int);
select * from "mje";
no rows selected
select * from "MJE";
table or view does not exist
select * from mje;
table or view does not exist
Same applies to column names as they are also identifiers.
The value 3 (SQL_IC_SENSITIVE) appears to be right for
Martin J. Evans
Wetherby, UK