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This queue is for tickets about the XML-Generator-PerlData CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 55330
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: XML-Generator-PerlData

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: michael [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: 0.91
Fixed in: (no value)

This module doesn't handle circular references. I'd suggest silently ignoring them by skipping any reference that has been processed before. One could make this behaviour optional. See attached test and patch.
*** /tmp/XML-Generator-PerlData-0.91/ 2007-08-04 14:57:00.000000000 +0200 --- 2010-03-08 12:12:51.000000000 +0100 *************** *** 4,9 **** --- 4,10 ---- use XML::SAX::Base; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA $NS_XMLNS $NS_XML); use Data::Dumper; + use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr); # some globals $VERSION = '0.91'; @ISA = qw( XML::SAX::Base ); *************** *** 47,52 **** --- 48,54 ---- $self->{RootName} ||= 'document'; $self->{DefaultElementName} ||= 'default'; $self->{TokenReplacementChar} ||= '_'; + $self->{Seen} ||= {}; if ( defined $args{namespaces} ) { foreach my $uri ( keys( %{$args{namespaces}} )) { *************** *** 162,167 **** --- 164,178 ---- } } + # Check if we have visited a given reference before + sub circular { + my($self, $ref) = @_; + my $addr = refaddr($ref); + my $result = $self->{Seen}->{$addr}; + $self->{Seen}->{$addr} = 1; + return $result; + } + sub hashref2SAX { my $self = shift; *************** *** 169,174 **** --- 180,187 ---- my $char_data = ''; + return if $self->circular($hashref); + ELEMENT: foreach my $key (keys (%{$hashref} )) { my $value = $hashref->{$key}; my $element_name = $self->_keymapped_name( $key ); *************** *** 233,238 **** --- 246,253 ---- my $passed_name = shift || $self->{_Parents}->[-1]; my $temp_name = $self->_keymapped_name( $passed_name ); + return if $self->circular($arrayref); + my $element_name; my $i;
Subject: 14_circular.t
use strict; use warnings; use Test; use XML::Generator::PerlData; BEGIN { plan tests => 2 } my $pd = XML::Generator::PerlData->new(); #################################################### # circular hashref ################################################### { my $a = {b => {}}; $a->{b}->{a} = $a; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'TIMEOUT' }; alarm 3; $pd->parse($a); }; ok(not $@); } #################################################### # circular arrayref ################################################### { my $a = [[]]; $a->[0]->[0] = $a; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'TIMEOUT' }; alarm 3; $pd->parse($a); }; ok(not $@); } ####################################################