This has been a really useful module for me, thanks. I have to issues:
1. The POD SYNOPSIS refers to the wrong module - Date::DateCalc
2. This code is strange:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Date::Convert;
my $date = Date::Convert::Hebrew->new();
warn $date->date_string;
warn $date->year;
Output for today (2010 03 02 == 5770 Adar 16) appears as:
Date::Convert::Hebrew isn't reliable before the beginning of
the Hebrew calendar at C:/dev/perl519/site/lib/Date/ line 280.
-971 Kislev 15 at C:\temp\ line 6.
-971 at C:\temp\ line 7.
I guess, then, this is a request that the constructor with no args
defaults to today.
lgoddard at cpan org