Subject: | @array deprecated in tests |
For Perl 5.8.2 ActiveState Build 808:
t/test1....defined(@array) is deprecated at t/test1.t line 445.
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
t/test3....defined(@array) is deprecated at t/test3.t line 444.
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
t/test4....FAILED tests 100, 252
Failed 2/516 tests, 99.61% okay
t/test6....ok 154/315SetCommState failed at t/test6.t line 403
t/test6....FAILED tests 74, 114, 116, 201, 233, 237
Failed 6/315 tests, 98.10% okay
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
t/test4.t 516 2 0.39% 100 252
t/test6.t 315 6 1.90% 74 114 116 201 233 237
Failed 2/7 test scripts, 71.43% okay. 8/1749 subtests failed, 99.54% okay.