Subject: | Blank field for kwalitee error? |
I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful module! I've enjoyed using
it and playing the CPANTS game over the years :)
I'm trying to cleanup my dists and increase my kwalitee by looking at
the website and cleaning up failing metrics whenever I can. However,
this one metric stumped me, as I cannot find out what caused it.
It shows a blank for the error, and even running locally
shows no errors. Hopefully you can help me fix this, and increase my
kwalitee :)
apoc@blackhole:~/mygit/perl-test-apocalypse$ --verbose
## distro: Test-Apocalypse-0.08.tar.gz
## extractable
## extracts_nicely
## has_readme
## has_manifest
## has_meta_yml
## has_buildtool
## has_changelog
## no_symlinks
## has_tests
## has_tests_in_t_dir
## buildtool_not_executable
## has_example
## no_generated_files
## no_stdin_for_prompting
## no_large_files
## has_version
## has_proper_version
## metayml_is_parsable
## metayml_has_license
## metayml_has_provides
## metayml_conforms_to_known_spec
## metayml_conforms_spec_current
## metayml_declares_perl_version
## proper_libs
## no_pod_errors
## has_working_buildtool
## has_version_in_each_file
## use_strict
## use_warnings
## has_test_pod
## has_test_pod_coverage
## uses_test_nowarnings
## has_humanreadable_license
## has_separate_license_file
## has_license_in_source_file
## fits_fedora_license
## manifest_matches_dist
## easily_repackageable_by_debian
## easily_repackageable_by_fedora
## easily_repackageable
## no_cpants_errors
## done
Checked dist Test-Apocalypse-0.08.tar.gz
Kwalitee rating 126.09% (29/23)
Ignoring metrics is_prereq, prereq_matches_use, build_prereq_matches_use
Congratulations for building a 'perfect' distribution!