On Fri Feb 19 04:48:54 2010,
http://mimon-cz.blogspot.com/ wrote:
Show quoted text> ithread_dispatcher does not join() or detach() threads, so it creates
> memory leak with every accept() on incoming connection.
> Which means that program using Sendmail::PMilter can successfuly run
Show quoted text> years when it does not receive any packets, but it starts eating
Show quoted text> with every new milter request :).
> Proposed change in Sendmail/PMilter.pm:
> - die "thread creation failed: $!\n"
> - unless (threads->create($child_sub, $socket));
> + my $t = threads->create($child_sub, $socket) || die
> "thread creation failed: $!\n";
> + $t->detach; # important
> Call to detach() is important as it frees thread memory as soon as the
> thread exits.
(This is a copy/paste form letter)
Hello bug submitter to Sendmail::PMilter. As you may or may not be aware
Sendmail::Pmilter is effectively orphaned. You've opened an issue
against it which the current maintainer (me) doesn't have the time/want
to solve. See
0.98/lib/Sendmail/PMilter.pm#Maintenance for more details.
But worry not, you can help solve it yourself if you're interested by
patching the module in Git and asking for co-maint permission to upload
a new version of the module.
Even though your fix may seem trivial to you keep in mind that I'd still
need to apply / *TEST* / release it. The testing step would require
installing Sendmail and I have no interest in doing so ever again.
The reason I'm the maintainer in the first place is that I spotted &
patched a problem that needed to be solved and then got maintainer
permission because the module was orphaned at the time. It's now
orphaned again so if you need fixes to it you're going to have top step
up and overtake it.