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This queue is for tickets about the Tenjin CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 54761
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Tenjin

Owner: IDOPEREL [...]
Requestors: [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Uninitialized value warning spam in 0.05
Various places throughout Tenjin::Template make use of $lspace and $rspace without checking that they have a defined value - since they're pulled from optional regexp captures, they generate a large amount of warning spam if they fail to match any whitespace. Included is an example template (sorry it's ugly, it's autogenerated by Template::Benchmark.)
Subject: Tenjin.txt
foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo [== ${scalar_variable} =] [== ${hash_variable}->{hash_value_key} =] [== ${array_variable}->[ 2 ] =] [== ${this}->{is}{a}{very}{deep}{hash}{structure} =] <?pl foreach ( @{${array_loop}} ) { ?>[== $_ =]<?pl } ?> <?pl foreach ( sort( keys( %{${hash_loop}} ) ) ) { ?>[== $_ =]: [== ${hash_loop}->{$_} =]<?pl } ?> <?pl foreach ( @{${records_loop}} ) { ?>[== $_->{name} =]: [== $_->{age} =]<?pl } ?> <?pl foreach ( @{${array_loop}} ) { ?>[== $_ =]<?pl } ?> <?pl foreach ( sort( keys( %{${hash_loop}} ) ) ) { ?>[== $_ =]: [== ${hash_loop}->{$_} =]<?pl } ?> <?pl foreach ( @{${records_loop}} ) { ?>[== $_->{name} =]: [== $_->{age} =]<?pl } ?> <?pl if( 1 ) { ?>true<?pl } ?> <?pl if( ${variable_if} ) { ?>true<?pl } ?> <?pl if( 1 ) { ?>true<?pl } else { ?>false<?pl } ?> <?pl if( ${variable_if_else} ) { ?>true<?pl } else { ?>false<?pl } ?> <?pl if( 1 ) { ?>[== ${template_if_true} =]<?pl } ?> <?pl if( ${variable_if} ) { ?>[== ${template_if_true} =]<?pl } ?> <?pl if( 1 ) { ?>[== ${template_if_true} =]<?pl } else { ?>[== ${template_if_false} =]<?pl } ?> <?pl if( ${variable_if_else} ) { ?>[== ${template_if_true} =]<?pl } else { ?>[== ${template_if_false} =]<?pl } ?> [== 10 + 12 =] [== ${variable_expression_a} * ${variable_expression_b} =] [== ( ( ${variable_expression_a} * ${variable_expression_b} ) + ${variable_expression_a} - ${variable_expression_b} ) / ${variable_expression_b} =] [== substr( 'this has a substring.', 11, 9 ) =] [== substr( ${variable_function_arg}, 4, 2 ) =]
Fixed in version 0.051, uploaded to CPAN but not indexed yet.