Here is the content of "USING YAML::XS WITH UNICODE".
Handling unicode properly in Perl can be a pain. YAML::XS only deals
with streams of utf8 octets. Just remember this:
$perl = Load($utf8_octets);
$utf8_octets = Dump($perl);
There are many, many places where things can go wrong with unicode. If
you are having problems, use Devel::Peek on all the possible data
Doesn't offer a solution to my problem.
Show quoted text> YAML content should be treated as a binary blob.
I'm pretty sure this is wrong. The YAML 1.2 spec talks extensively about Unicode. Section 5.2 specifically states "on input, a YAML
processor must support the UTF-8 and UTF-16 character encodings".
5.2. Character Encodings
All characters mentioned in this specification are Unicode code points. Each such code point is written as one or more bytes depending on the character encoding used. Note that in UTF-16, characters above #xFFFF are written as four bytes, using a surrogate pair.
The character encoding is a presentation detail and must not be used to convey content information.
On input, a YAML processor must support the UTF-8 and UTF-16 character encodings. For JSON compatibility, the UTF-32 encodings must also be supported.