Subject: | Warning about missing C compiler thrown (ExtUtils-Installed 1.999_001) |
Using ExtUtils::Installed throws error about missing C compiler.
* Package *
ExtUtils-Installed 1.999_001
from module ExtUtils-Install 1.54
* Perlversion *
Perl 5.10.1 (ActiveState Perl Build 1006) on Windows 7 Ult.
* Howto reproduce *
In Windows-DOS-Console (see example below):
U:\>perl510 -MExtUtils::Installed -e "print
It looks like you don't have a C compiler on your PATH, so you will not
able to compile C or XS extension modules. You can install GCC from the
MinGW package using the Perl Package Manager by running:
ppm install MinGW
* Code to reproduce *
use ExtUtils::Installed;
* Solution *
No patch. Sorry.
The module seems to use processes the warning about the missing compiler in line 391.