My goodness, I have never seen this module before (seriously). It is
frightfully similar to Sql::Simple. I went digging when I started
writing this a few months ago, and didn't find anything.
I will update the See Also section today. The only things my module
really differs on, is the ability to execute "in mass", table joins,
subqueries (in inserts, updates, deletes, queries, and soon as derived
tables), and nested or clauses (of infinite depth). This module is
definately better oriented for the web, as he has a nice OO interface
to allow better re-use of prepared statements. I could add a "return
statement handle" after I prepared, but I'm not really looking to copy
his module (now that I have seen it).
I do feel sorta silly, as this has been a large chunk of my time, but
in what little defense I have, I think this module in a lot of ways
takes the logical "next step" in abstraction layers. I'm just glad
that I don't have LESS features than this module. All of what I have
done SHOULD have been a patch to his module, though, I have had little
luck in sending my patches to the author of Class::DBI, so I decided to
forge out on my own.
Ahh, I see that you did benchmarks for Sql::Abstract. Hmm, I imagine
Simple isn't faster than Abstract, but there is a penalty for the
myriad of different datastructures that can be thrown around at will.
Thank you for reviewing my module, again, I'll add the appropriate
information in the "See Also" section of the perldocs.
-Ryan Dietrich
[guest - Sun Feb 22 10:07:23 2004]:
Show quoted text> Hello,
> In your documentation you mention an aware of similiar modules. I
> would like to see a SEE ALSO section added that lists some of the
> other modules that are like this, and some notes that compare and
> constrast your solution with the others. I currently use
> "SQL::Abstract" and before that "DBIx::Abstract". The syntax looks
> very similiar.