Subject: | abstract_from() doesn't work |
abstract_from() doesn't work. To see this, create a sample "Foo" distribution via "h2xs -n Foo -X" and then use this Makefile.PL:
use inc::Module::Install;
This produces the error
Can't use string ("ExtUtils::MM_Unix") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at C:/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ line 3059.
Module::Install::Metadata::abstract_from() contains this:
but line 3059 of ExtUtils/ (inside parse_abstract()) is this:
my $package = $self->{DISTNAME};
i.e. parse_abstract() really seems to be an object method, but you've called it as a class method.
I can obviously work around this by specifying abstract() instead, but the abstract is already written once in the main .pm file and it's a shame to have to write the same information again elsewhere. (Module::Install is all about storing common stuff all in one place, after all!)
This is on Windows XP / MSVC++ 6 / Perl 5.8.2 / EU::MM 6.22