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This site tracks bugs in every distribution released through
<a href="http://cpan.org">CPAN</a>.
<h2>Want to...</h2>
<h2>... find a distribution and browse its bugs?</h2>
This site lets you <a href="/Public/">search
for distributions</a> by name or author. When you've found the
distribution you're looking for, you can browse known bugs and
report new bugs.
<h2>... report a bug in a module using web-interface?</h2>
Use <a href="https://www.bitcard.org/">Bitcard</a> or OpenID account.
Module authors can use PAUSE credentials.
<h2>... report a bug in a module using email?</h2>
To submit a bug report for a given distribution by email, send mail
to <strong>bug-<distribution-name>@rt.cpan.org</strong>, where
"<distribution-name>" is something like DBIx-SearchBuilder or
Class-DBI or Acme-Current-Forever. Use
<a href="/Public/">search</a> to find name of
a distribution.
<h2>... report a bug in perl itself?</h2>
To report bugs in perl itself, you're best off using the command-line
'perlbug' tool or <a href="http://rt.perl.org">rt.perl.org</a>.
<h2>... manage bugs in your distributions?</h2>
To work with bugs, every module author with a
<a href="http://pause.perl.org">PAUSE</a> account can log into
rt.cpan.org with their PAUSE userid and password. If you can't log in or
distributions you maintain aren't listed, please write to
rt-cpan-admin@bestpractical.com at your earliest convenience.
<h2>... know more about this service?</h2>
Read <a href="/Public/RT/CPAN/About.html">this document</a>.
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Jesse Vincent <br />
<a href="http://bestpractical.com/">Best Practical Solutions</a>, LLC
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<h3>Don't have an account but want to browse bugs?</h3>
Use the <a href="https://rt.cpan.org/Public/?nossl=true">public interface</a>.
Want to report a bug? Send it in via e-mail.
<h3>Have an <em>OpenID</em>?</h3>
<p>Log in with it and have a look around.</p>
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<h3>Have a <em>PAUSE</em> account?</h3>
You can use the form above to log in with your PAUSE userid and password.
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We strongly encourage login over SSL, but you may choose to login
<a href="https://rt.cpan.org/?nossl=true">without SSL</a>.
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