Subject: | Empty rows in loops / Data missing |
There seems to be a problem with looping through data.
allways about at the same position on the paper (not depending on page format) will the output be interrupted and 1 line will not be displayed. Then the output will continue as if nothing had happened.
Maxiters seems to be not working too, Because i tried to use it as a workaround to only display the lines up to this position.
And Landscape page format seems to have a problem if you do not define it in the pdftemplate statement too.
This should be used to generate some reports in my company (and the xml is froma real report, only the data is some repeating data).
I am using the actual version of the PDFlib Lite and perl 5.8/5.6.1 (on two different systems) on Linux based on Redhat 7.2/8.0.
The XML File I am using to generate the output is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<pdftemplate pagesize="A4" landscape='1'>
<pagedef pagesize="A4" landscape='1' margins="2c">
<font face="Times-Roman" h="8">
<header header_height="2c">
<row y="20c" h="20">
<textbox w="50%" justify="left" text="Uebersicht - Abreifende Vertraege"/>
<textbox w="50%" justify="right" text="$Date"/>
<font face="Times-Bold" h="8">
<textbox w="10%" justify="center">Kuendigungsfrist</textbox>
<textbox w="5%" justify="center">MANR</textbox>
<textbox w="15%" justify="center">Name</textbox>
<textbox w="5%" justify="center">ANNR</textbox>
<textbox w="15%" justify="center">Gesellschaft</textbox>
<textbox w="15%" justify="center">Produkt</textbox>
<textbox w="5%" justify="center">P-Nr.</textbox>
<textbox w="15%" justify="center">Kunde</textbox>
<textbox w="15%" justify="center">Status</textbox>
<hr />
<loop name="DATA">
<textbox w="10%" justify="left" text="$Kfrist" />
<textbox w="5%" justify="left" text="$MANR" />
<textbox w="15%" justify="left" text="$Name"/>
<textbox w="5%" justify="left" text="$ANNR" />
<textbox w="15%" justify="left" text="$Gesellschaft" />
<textbox w="15%" justify="left" text="$Produkt" />
<textbox w="5%" justify="left" text="$PNr" />
<textbox w="15%" justify="left" text="$Kunde" />
<textbox w="15%" justify="left" text="$Status" />
<!-- <hr /> -->
<footer footer_height="2c">
<row y=".5c" h="20">
<textbox w="100%" justify="right"><var name="__PAGE__"/> / <var name="__LAST_PAGE__"/></textbox>
Message body not shown because it is not plain text.