Subject: | unhandle syslog format |
I'm having a problem with Parse::Syslog not recognizing certain format of syslog. My environment:
perl 5.6.1
Solaris 9
MIMEDefang 2.35
Parse::Syslog 1.02
My syslog looks like this:
Feb 11 09:45:15 brazilnut mimedefang-multiplexor: [ID 980602] Slave 1 stderr: ignoring text in character set `GB2312'
Feb 11 09:45:15 brazilnut at /opt/perl5.6.1/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/MIME/Parser/ line 646
My script:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use Parse::Syslog;
$parser = new Parse::Syslog( '/tmp/syslog' );
while ( $parser->next ) { }
mimedefang-multiplexor is a C program than occasionally calls syslog() with a string than contains an embedded newline.