I am running redhat 64 "#1 SMP Wed Dec 17 11:41:38 EST 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"
installing the IO compress module 2.023.. I cannot install or force install from cpan..
after i "look io:compress:base" and go into the directory for a manual make/make test/make install
the "make" and "make test" are golden.. "make install" fails with "Makefile:89: *** Recursive variable `INSTALLARCHLIB' references itself (eventually). Stop."
the Make file has this for line 89: "INSTALLARCHLIB = $(INSTALLARCHLIB)"
I looked at another module "par dist" and found the line is different:
"INSTALLARCHLIB = $(PERLPREFIX)/lib/perl5/5.10.1/x86_64-linux".
I changed the line in io compress to this and it works..
I installed perl 5.10.1 from scratch if this makes a difference..
installing the IO compress module 2.023.. I cannot install or force install from cpan..
after i "look io:compress:base" and go into the directory for a manual make/make test/make install
the "make" and "make test" are golden.. "make install" fails with "Makefile:89: *** Recursive variable `INSTALLARCHLIB' references itself (eventually). Stop."
the Make file has this for line 89: "INSTALLARCHLIB = $(INSTALLARCHLIB)"
I looked at another module "par dist" and found the line is different:
"INSTALLARCHLIB = $(PERLPREFIX)/lib/perl5/5.10.1/x86_64-linux".
I changed the line in io compress to this and it works..
I installed perl 5.10.1 from scratch if this makes a difference..