Subject: | CPANPLUS v0.89_12 not sending N/A or UNKNOWN for module on old perl? |
I may be totally off base but I sorta expected a report to be
submitted, but I saw CPANPLUS not doing anything. What I did was use
POE::Component::SmokeBox and tried to smoke Acme::Anything on my perls.
On perl-5.10.1 for example, it smoked and sent the test report just
fine. On perl-5.6.2, the Makefile.PL bombed out because it required
perl-5.8x, which is fine. However, you can see that CPANPLUS never sent
any report afterwards. If this is the expected behavior then please
discard this report!
POE::Component::SmokeBox v0.30
CPANPLUS v0.89_12
CPANPLUS::YACSmoke v0.46
'PID' => 10553,
'env' => {
'status' => '0',
'start_time' => 1260650731,
'perl' => '/home/cpan/perls/perl-5.6.2-default/bin/perl',
'end_time' => 1260650736,
'log' => [
'[MSG] Retrieving
'[MSG] Using cached file
\'/home/cpan/.cpanplus/authors/CHECKSUMS\' on disk; ttl (3600s) is not
'[MSG] Checksum matches for
'[MSG] Extracted \'Acme-Anything-0.03/\'',
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted \'Acme-Anything-0.03/lib/\'',
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted \'Acme-Anything-0.03/t/\'',
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted \'Acme::Anything\' to
'[MSG] CPANPLUS is prefering Build.PL',
'[MSG] Loading YACSmoke database
'Perl v5.8.0 required--this is only
v5.6.2, stopped at
line 3.',
'BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 3.',
'[ERROR] Could not run
\'/home/cpan/perls/perl-5.6.2-default/bin/perl Makefile.PL\': Perl
v5.8.0 required--this is only v5.6.2, stopped at
line 3.',
'BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 3.',
' -- cannot continue',
'[ERROR] Unable to create a new
distribution object for \'Acme::Anything\' -- cannot continue',
'Key \'ok\' () is of invalid type for
\'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV::new\' provided by CPANPLUS::Backend::__ANON__
line 398',
'[MSG] Writing compiled source information
to disk. This might take a little while.',
'CHLD 10553 0'
'type' => 'CPANPLUS::YACSmoke',
'module' => 'Acme::Anything',
'command' => 'smoke'
'PID' => 10484,
'env' => {
'status' => '0',
'start_time' => 1260650726,
'perl' =>
'end_time' => 1260650731,
'log' => [
'[MSG] Retrieving
'[MSG] Using cached file
\'/home/cpan/.cpanplus/authors/CHECKSUMS\' on disk; ttl (3600s) is not
'[MSG] Checksum matches for
'[MSG] Extracted \'Acme-Anything-0.03/\'',
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted \'Acme-Anything-0.03/lib/\'',
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted \'Acme-Anything-0.03/t/\'',
'[MSG] Extracted
'[MSG] Extracted \'Acme::Anything\' to
'[MSG] CPANPLUS is prefering Build.PL',
'[MSG] Loading YACSmoke database
'Checking if your kit is complete...',
'Looks good',
'Writing Makefile for Acme::Anything',
'[MSG] Checking for previous PASS result
for "Acme-Anything-0.03"',
'[MSG] Module \'Acme::Anything\' depends
on \'Test::More\', may need to build a \'CPANPLUS::Dist::YACSmoke\'
package for it as well',
'Running [/usr/bin/make]...',
'cp lib/Acme/
'Running [/usr/bin/make test]...',
/home/cpan/perls/perl-5.10.1-default/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM"
"-e" "test_harness(0, \'blib/lib\', \'blib/arch\')" t/*.t',
'# Testing Acme::Anything 0.03, Perl
5.010001, /home/cpan/perls/perl-5.10.1-default/bin/perl',
't/00-load.t .. ok',
'All tests successful.',
'Files=1, Tests=2, 0 wallclock secs (
0.00 usr 0.03 sys + 0.01 cusr 0.05 csys = 0.09 CPU)',
'Result: PASS',
'[MSG] Sending test report for
'[MSG] Successfully sent \'pass\' report
for \'Acme-Anything-0.03\'',
'[MSG] Writing compiled source information
to disk. This might take a little while.',
'CHLD 10484 0'
'type' => 'CPANPLUS::YACSmoke',
'module' => 'Acme::Anything',
'command' => 'smoke'