Subject: | Missing dependency on SSL modules causes difficult to debug failures |
Hey, Simon.
First, thank you for Net::Google::Calendar, Cal::DAV, and your other related work. Now that
I've got the code working, it looks like it'll do exactly what I need.
There's a little problem that cost me a few hours of debugging, though. I want to modify
calendars, and this requires an SSL module or another to be installed. This is completely
reasonable, and in retrospect I should have thought to check this myself. But for boring
reasons I didn't. However, the error the code gives--401 authorization required--when the
missing SSL modules aren't installed is less than helpful. Could we add some smarts that does
the check a priori and bombs if it finds out it can't succeed? A dependency in the Build.PL
would be another approach to this. Let me know which you think is more reasonable and I'll
get a patch to you. Thanks!