Subject: | Add support for fetching details about videos |
I've added a couple of new functions to support retrieving URLs for
videos related to the movies. Unlike the other APIs, this isn't a
single shot request, because the fetches require that new pages be
fetched in order to locate the correct URL. The 'videogallery' page
must be fetched to get the main information, which we can do relatively
easily, but there may be multiple pages of information, so we may
require multiple fetches for that. Once we've got the details from
there - in particular the 'vi' identifier - we can then fetch the
actual URL from the player page. The player page embeds a small section
of Javascript which constructs the parameters for the flash player. We
only want the URL, so we pick this out of the Javascript directly.
Thus the videos() API allows us to obtain:
The title of the clip
The type of clip that it is (eg Featurette, Interview, Clip,
Trailer, etc)
A possible description
A time and/or date that it was posted.
A video_id identifier we can use to fetch the clip (and which is
also unique, but clients shouldn't rely on any particular content).
From this we can use the video_url() API to convert the video_id to a
URL, which incurs another fetch.
I'm not sure if you think this is worth going in to the IMDB::Film
module, but it seems to work well for me and has been relatively
reliable so far.
Clips appear to be flash video, and I couldn't find a way of getting at
the rating information on the films - there's some sort of 'mature
content' warning that sometimes appears but I couldn't see how to find
out if it applied, etc.
Subject: | diff-Film042-videos.diff |
*** v042/ 2009-11-08 19:43:13.000000000 +0000
--- 2009-11-08 19:51:47.000000000 +0000
*** 85,90 ****
--- 85,91 ----
+ _videos
*** 549,554 ****
--- 550,708 ----
return $self->{_full_companies};
+ =item videos()
+ Retrieve references to the videos related to this movie. News items are implicitly filtered. Returns an array reference where each item has following stucture:
+ {
+ type => 'trailer' | 'featurette' | ...,
+ video_id => <unique imdb identifier for the video, for passing to video_url>,
+ title => <short title>,
+ description => <description of the item>,
+ previewimg_url => <url of a preview image>,
+ date => 'YYYY-MM-DD',
+ time => 'hh:mm' | undef
+ }
+ my @videos = @{ $film->videos() };
+ =cut
+ sub videos {
+ my CLASS_NAME $self = shift;
+ unless($self->{_videos}) {
+ my @result;
+ my $page;
+ my $pagenum = 1;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ $page = $self->_cacheObj->get($self->code . '_videos' . $pagenum) if $self->_cache;
+ unless($page) {
+ my $url = "http://". $self->{host} . "/" . $self->{query} . $self->code . "/videogallery?page=$pagenum";
+ $self->_show_message("URL for video gallery for page $pagenum is $url ...", 'DEBUG');
+ $page = $self->_get_page_from_internet($url);
+ $self->_cacheObj->set($self->code.'_videos', $page, $self->_cache_exp) if $self->_cache;
+ }
+ my $parser = $self->_parser(FORCED, \$page);
+ my $tag;
+ if ($parser->get_tag('h1'))
+ {
+ while (my $tag = $parser->get_tag('img')) {
+ my $attribs = $tag->[1];
+ if (defined $attribs->{class} &&
+ $attribs->{class} eq 'video' &&
+ defined $attribs->{viconst})
+ {
+ my %video = ( 'video_id' => $attribs->{viconst},
+ 'description' => $attribs->{title},
+ 'previewimg_url' => $attribs->{src},
+ );
+ # The type of clip is only shown in the text in the preview image.
+ # Fortunately IMDB construct this image on the fly from the URL
+ # parameters, so we can just extract it from there.
+ if (defined $attribs->{src} &&
+ $attribs->{src} =~ /_ZA([^,]+)/)
+ {
+ $video{type} = lc($1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $video{type} = 'unknown';
+ }
+ # I have never seen a 'News' item which was actually relevant.
+ next if ($video{type} eq 'news');
+ if ($parser->get_tag('h2') &&
+ $parser->get_tag('a'))
+ {
+ $video{title} = $parser->get_trimmed_text;
+ }
+ if ($parser->get_tag('br'))
+ {
+ my $release = $parser->get_trimmed_text;
+ $video{date} = $1 if ($release =~ /(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)/);
+ $video{time} = $1 if ($release =~ /(\d\d:\d\d)/);
+ }
+ push @result, \%video;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($page =~ /\d+ – (\d+) of (\d+) Videos/)
+ {
+ if ($1 == $2)
+ {
+ # All pages fetched
+ $self->_show_message("All video gallery video processed ($2 videos)", 'DEBUG');
+ last;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $self->_show_message("Processed video gallery page $pagenum, (up to video $1/$2); continuing...", 'DEBUG');
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $self->_show_message("No other video gallery pages exist", 'DEBUG');
+ last;
+ }
+ $pagenum++;
+ }
+ $self->{_videos} = \@result;
+ }
+ return $self->{_videos};
+ }
+ =item video_url($video_id)
+ Retrieve the URL for a video, given its video_id, or undef it one could not be found
+ Example to obtain the URL of first trailer of a film:
+ my @videos = @{ $film->videos() };
+ @videos = grep { $_->{type} eq 'trailer' } @videos;
+ my $url = (@videos > 0) ? $film->video_url($videos[0]->{video_id}) : undef;
+ =cut
+ sub video_url {
+ my CLASS_NAME $self = shift;
+ my ($vi) = (@_);
+ return undef if (!defined $vi ||
+ $vi !~ /^vi\d+$/);
+ my $page;
+ $page = $self->_cacheObj->get($self->code . '_' . $vi) if $self->_cache;
+ unless($page) {
+ my $url = "http://". $self->{host} . "/video/imdb/" . $vi . "/player";
+ $self->_show_message("URL for video '$vi' is $url ...", 'DEBUG');
+ $page = $self->_get_page_from_internet($url);
+ $self->_cacheObj->set($self->code.'_'.$vi, $page, $self->_cache_exp) if $self->_cache;
+ }
+ if ($page =~ /IMDbPlayer\.playerKey = "(http:.*?)"/)
+ {
+ # The Javascript contained the URL to use.
+ return $1;
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
=item company()
Returns an company given for a specified movie: