On Fri Oct 30 18:02:53 2009, ANDK wrote:
Show quoted text> In the test script t/01-captures-all.t I find
> # NOTE: This test is hard to guarantee, its possibly random.
> Can you explain? If test results are random, what's the point?
> You may be interested to hear that all of these messages were present in
> the cpantesters reports:
> You planned 400 tests but ran 122
> You planned 400 tests but ran 123
> You planned 400 tests but ran 124
> You planned 400 tests but ran 185
> You planned 400 tests but ran 54
> You planned 400 tests but ran 56
> You planned 400 tests but ran 60
> You planned 400 tests but ran 89
> You planned 400 tests but ran 96
> Looks a bit random, right?
> Thanks && Regards
Well, its not the number of runs that is supposed to be random, its the
order of the output, its hard to predict.
I don't know for certain what order STDERR and STDOUT prints will turn
up in the final data stream, so currently am testing for what tends to
be consistent on my machine, and getting it tested to see how other
platforms behave.
The only intentional random is timing jitters in an attempt to introduce
concurrency/race condition failures.
Inconsistent numbers of test runs *is* a bug however, and due to lack of
having physical access to different platforms the initial tests serve
partially as an information gathering tool.
( I am aware of these of course, and am trying to find ways to solve
them :) ).
When things get a bit more sane, the tests might become less extreme.