Subject: | Feature request: getting multiple attributes at once |
Date: | Wed, 28 Oct 2009 10:46:19 +0100 |
To: | "bug-jmx4perl [...]" <bug-jmx4perl [...]> |
From: | "Hoeben, Fried (NL)" <Fried.Hoeben [...]> |
I just tried out jmx4perl and I really liked how easy it was to use. Thanks a lot.
I have a feature request however and I wonder what your thoughts are.
I would like to read the value of multiple attributes of a single mbean, at the moment I have to do multiple requests to get these values. I was wondering whether it would not be possible to have a get using a hash that allowed me to read multiple values in one go. Performance-wise this seems much nicer.
Actually I would even prefer to go further and specify multiple mbeans (explicitly listing them or using the wildcard syntax used for search) and get (multiple) attributes for each of them. Again reducing the number of HTTP requests seems a good idea to me, since I would like to obtain quite a few values.
I'm thinking along the lines of a call [mbean-pattern1->[attribute_name_array1],mbean-pattern2->[attribute_name_array2],...] to get [mbean-name1->[attribute_name1->attribute_value1,attribute_name2->attribute_value2,attribute_name3=attribute_value3],mbean-name2->[attribute_name1->attribute_value1,attribute_name2->attribute_value2,attribute_name3=attribute_value3],...]
On the Java side (that I have to admit to I'm more familiar with) this seems quite simple, and since the 'list' function already gets a similar data structure I thought this might me a nice addition.
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