Subject: | Tk::Menu will not display Unicode characters |
Perhaps this is a bug, or perhaps I just don't know what I'm doing ...
But here's the problem.
I cannot get Unicode to display correctly in a Tk::Menu Cascade. For
my $mb = $mw->Menu();
my $fc = $mb->cascade(-label => "\x{0424}\x{0430}\x{0439}\x{043B}");
$mw->configure(-menu => $mb);
So I should have a menu-bar item that displays 4 Unicode characters,
right? But no, I get a menu-bar item that displays the exact string
I CAN get Unicode to display correctly on a Command coming off a
Cascade. For example:
my $mb = $mw->Menu();
my $fc = $mb->cascade(-label => "File");
$fc->command(-label => "\x{0412}\x{044B}\x{0445}\x{043E}\x{0434}",
-command => sub{});
$mw->configure(-menu => $mb);
So I should have a drop-down menu item that displays 4 Unicode
characters, and it WORKS.
No other Tk widgets are giving me this problem with Unicode. Any help
would be greatly appreciated (if I'm doing something wrong).
I'm using ActivePerl 32-bit 5.10.1005, Tk 804.028, and WinVista 64-bit SP 2.