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This queue is for tickets about the Sys-Gamin CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 49958
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: Sys-Gamin

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: pause [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Critical
Broken in: 0.1
Fixed in: (no value)

As mentioned in previously reported bugs, it doesn't compile. The fix is trivial and I can't see how it broke or worked as it was. Fix is to add 1 line typedef after the fam.h include in the "Gamin.xs" file. typedef enum FAMCodes FAMCodes; The code uses 'FAMCodes' as a type, but it is only declared as an enum in the current fam.h. Perhaps at one point there was a version of 'fam.h' that had the 'typedef' included with the enum ? I have no idea how to patch this code to make it work for others, obviously this is abandoned work. I don't even know if it is 'useful'...:-)'s just that the other FAM perl modules I loaded worked. and this one, based on them, didn't. I looked into it to see why. I know nothing about .xs programming...just looked at the overall template and created a patched version of the tar on my system and the CPAN shell made and installed it with no problem. Do I need to take over this project to make a once line change to fix someone else's code? (I'd rather not...)... The fix is above... so anyone who wants to fix it...go for it. linda