I describe a recent issue we had when working with IPC::Locker 1.484
which could be an issue with the IPC::Locker module itself or with
something else. When working with a large number of simultaneous
connections to the server this is a problem we encountered-
1. The client tries to open a new lock and talks to the server.
2. The server creates a new lock but that information is either not sent
back to the the client or gets lost somewhere.
3. The client assumes that the lock was not created, and since we didn't
block while seeking new locks, the IPC::Locker client returns an undef
to the caller program.
I have a lot of log files to prove that the lock was created in the
server but this information was not transmitted to the client.
This problem occurs very rarely and only when there are too many
connections to the server.
If this is a known problem in such scenarios, then is there a way out?