Subject: | format oddity 4 digit year changed to 2 digit year (w/ cldr 1.7.1 ?) |
Hello Dave,
I know these locale modules are auto generated but it seems fairly odd
that a lot (all?) of the formats that used to be 4 digit years are now 2
digit years.
perl -MDateTime -MDateTime::Locale -le 'for my $locale(@ARGV) {my
$format = DateTime::Locale->load($locale)->long_date_format();print
"$locale $format: " . DateTime->now()->strftime($format . " Y ==
%Y");}' en fr it
en %B %{day}, %y: September 15, 09 Y == 2009
fr %{day} %B %y: 15 September 09 Y == 2009
it %d %B %y: 15 September 09 Y == 2009
I noticed some tests failing and it turns out it was because the year was
now '78' instead of '1978'
cldr_version() 1.6.1
my $date_format_full = "EEEE\,\ MMMM\ d\,\ yyyy";
cldr_version() 1.7.1
my $date_format_long = "MMMM\ d\,\ y";
I'm not sure if that was an oversite in CLDR 1.7.1, an suto-generate
bug, or it has just changed and that is the way it is but I figured I'd pass
it along to the master to decide :)