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This queue is for tickets about the Email-Folder-Exchange CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 49683
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: Email-Folder-Exchange

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: mossm [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Critical
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: _message_urls chunking uses pos after it's been zeroed
Great tool! Been pulling my hair out trying to authenticate with my own code, but yours fired up first shot. In _message_urls (I called this directly and added several more functions) the $buf is being reset to itself because pos $buf is being referenced outside the /g block, then it just accumulates chunks, resulting in massive duplicate hrefs being found (got 159000 hits when there really are only 2068 entries.) Defined $p above the loop and updated it with $p = pos $buf inside the loop, then used $p to grab the unmatched tail of $buf to stick the next chunk onto, which fixed it up nicely. Also, I added message_url to use the url list, webdav delete_url, and move_url, also put in an extra arg to tell next_message to pop instead of shift, but don't need that now that I get the urls from _message_urls. Continue to tweak this so I can suck up my OWA messages routinely to my home firewall and IMAP server so I can get them with my new iPhone. -- mossm
package Email::Folder::Exchange; use strict; # vim: ft=perl fdm=marker ts=4 sw=4 our $VERSION = '1.10'; use base qw(Email::Folder); use URI; use URI::Escape; use LWP::UserAgent; use Carp qw(carp croak); sub _ua { # {{{ my ($self, $ua) = @_; $self->{_ua} = $ua if @_ == 2; return $self->{_ua}; } # }}} sub uri { # {{{ my ($self, $uri) = @_; $self->{uri} = $uri if @_ == 2; return $self->{uri}; } # }}} sub _login { # {{{ my ($self, $uri, $username, $password) = @_; my $scheme = $uri->scheme; my $host = $uri->host; my $ua = $self->_ua; # login using FBA (forms-based authentication) my $auth_uri = $uri->clone; $auth_uri->path('exchweb/bin/auth/owaauth.dll'); my $login_req = HTTP::Request->new( POST => $auth_uri->as_string, ); $login_req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $login_req->content( 'destination=' . uri_escape($uri->as_string) . '&username=' . uri_escape($username) . '&password=' . uri_escape($password) ); my $login_res = $ua->request($login_req); croak $login_res->message if $login_res->code >= 400 and $login_res->code < 500; return 1; } # }}} sub new { # {{{ my ($self, $class, $url, $username, $password) = ({}, @_); bless $self, $class; croak "URI required" unless $url; # create user agent my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( keep_alive => 1, cookie_jar => {} ); $self->_ua($ua); # create uri object my $uri = URI->new($url); $self->uri($uri); # get credentials from url if specified my $credentials = $uri->userinfo; $uri->userinfo(undef); if($credentials && !($username || $password)) { ($username, $password) = split(/:/, uri_unescape($credentials), 2); } croak "Credentials required" unless $username; $self->_login($uri, $username, $password); return $self; } # }}} sub _message_urls { # {{{ my ($self) = @_; return $self->{_message_urls} if $self->{_message_urls}; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( SEARCH => $self->uri->as_string, ); $req->content_type('text/xml'); $req->header(Depth => 1); my $folder_path = $self->uri->path; $req->content(qq{ <?xml version='1.0' ?> <a:searchrequest xmlns:a='DAV:'><a:sql> SELECT "DAV:ishidden" FROM scope('shallow traversal of "$folder_path"') WHERE "DAV:ishidden"=False AND "DAV:isfolder"=False </a:sql></a:searchrequest> }); my $ua = $self->_ua; my @message_urls; my $buf = ""; my $res = $ua->request($req, sub { my $chunk = shift; $buf .= $chunk; my $p = 0; while($buf =~ m#<a:href>(.*?)</a:href>#g) { push @message_urls, $1; $p = pos $buf; } $buf = substr($buf, ($p || 0)); }); croak $res->message unless $res->code >= 200 and $res->code < 300; $self->{_message_urls} = \@message_urls; return $self->{_message_urls}; } # }}} sub messages { # {{{ my $self = shift; my @messages; while(my $message = $self->next_message) { push @messages, $message; } return @messages; } # }}} sub next_message { # {{{ my $self = shift; my $m; if (shift) { $m = pop @{ $self->_message_urls }; } else { $m = shift @{ $self->_message_urls }; } my $message_url = $m; return undef unless defined $message_url; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $message_url ); $req->header(Translate => 'f'); my $res = $self->_ua->request($req); croak $res->message unless $res->code >= 200 and $res->code < 300; return $self->bless_message($res->content); } # }}} sub message_url { # {{{ my $self = shift; my $message_url = shift; return undef unless defined $message_url; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $message_url ); $req->header(Translate => 'f'); my $res = $self->_ua->request($req); croak $res->message unless $res->code >= 200 and $res->code < 300; return $self->bless_message($res->content); } # }}} sub move_url { # {{{ my $self = shift; my $message_url = shift; my $move_url = shift; return undef unless defined $message_url; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( MOVE => $message_url ); $req->header(Destination => $move_url); my $res = $self->_ua->request($req); # croak $res->message unless $res->code >= 200 and $res->code < 300; return $self->bless_message($res->content); } # }}} sub delete_url { # {{{ my $self = shift; my $message_url = shift; return undef unless defined $message_url; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( DELETE => $message_url ); my $res = $self->_ua->request($req); croak $res->message unless $res->code >= 200 and $res->code < 300; return $self->bless_message($res->content); } # }}} sub _folder_urls { # {{{ my ($self) = @_; return $self->{_folder_urls} if $self->{_folder_urls}; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( SEARCH => $self->uri->as_string, ); $req->content_type('text/xml'); $req->header(Depth => 1); my $folder_path = $self->uri->path; $req->content(qq{ <?xml version='1.0' ?> <a:searchrequest xmlns:a='DAV:'><a:sql> SELECT "DAV:ishidden" FROM scope('shallow traversal of "$folder_path"') WHERE "DAV:ishidden"=False AND "DAV:isfolder"=True </a:sql></a:searchrequest> }); my $ua = $self->_ua; my @folder_urls; my $buf = ""; my $res = $ua->request($req, sub { my $chunk = shift; $buf .= $chunk; while($buf =~ m#<a:href>(.*?)</a:href>#g) { push @folder_urls, $1; } $buf = substr($buf, (pos $buf || 0)); }); croak $res->message unless $res->code >= 200 and $res->code < 300; $self->{_folder_urls} = \@folder_urls; return $self->{_folder_urls}; } # }}} sub folders { # {{{ my $self = shift; my @folders; while(my $folder = $self->next_folder) { push @folders, $folder; } return @folders; } # }}} sub next_folder { # {{{ my $self = shift; my $folder_url = shift @{ $self->_folder_urls }; return unless defined $folder_url; my $folder = $self->clone; $folder->uri(URI->new($folder_url)); return $folder; } # }}} sub clone { # {{{ my $self = shift; my $clone = bless { uri => $self->uri->clone, _ua => $self->_ua->clone, }, ref $self; # copy cookie jar $clone->_ua->{cookie_jar} = $self->_ua->{cookie_jar}; return $clone; } # }}} 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Email::Folder::Exchange - Email::Folder access to exchange folders via WebDAV =head1 SYNOPSIS use Email::Folder::Exchange; my $folder = Email::Folder::Exchange->new('', 'user', 'password'); for my $message ($folder->messages) { print "subject: " . $subject->header('Subject'); } for my $folder ($folder->folders) { print "folder uri: " . $folder->uri->as_string; print " contains " . scalar($folder->messages) . " messages"; print " contains " . scalar($folder->folders) . " folders"; } =head1 DESCRIPTION Add access to Microsoft Exchange to L<Email::Folder>. Contains API enhancements to allow folder browsing. Utilizes FBA (forms-based authentication) to login. Therefore, OWA (Outlook Web Access) must be installed and enabled on target server. =head2 new($url, [$username, $password]) Create Email::Folder::Exchange object and login to OWA site. =over =item url URL of the target folder, usually in the form of server/user/Inbox. May contain authentication information, I.E. 'http://domain\'. =item username Username to authenticate as. Generally in the form of 'domain\username'. Overrides URL-supplied username if given. =item password Password to authenticate with. Overrides URL-supplied password. =back =head2 messages() Return a list containing all of the messages in the folder. Can only be called once as it drains the iterator. =head2 next_message() Return next message as L<Email::Simple> object from folder. Acts as iterator. Returns undef at end of folder contents. =head2 folders() Return a list of L<Email::Folder::Exchange> objects contained within base folder. Can only be called once as it drains the iterator. =head2 next_folder() Return next folder under base folder as L<Email::Folder::Exchange> object. Acts as iterator. Returns undef at end of list. =head2 uri() Return L<URI> locator object for current folder. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Email::Folder>, L<URI>, L<Email::Simple> =head1 AUTHOR Warren Smith <lt><gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2007 by Warren Smith This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut