On Thu, 3 Sep 2009, jwing@us.ibm.com via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> The DateTime::TimeZone module is a prerequisite module for DateTime. As
> such, it has to be built first/prior to the build/test/installation of
> DateTime. Any/All tests for the DateTime::TimeZone module need to be able
> to be done without having DateTime installed. Otherwise, it defeats the
> purpose of testing the module prior to installation.
Err, patches welcome.
It's easy to say "this needs to be so" but harder to do.
DateTime::TimeZone makes extensive use of DateTime.pm internally. This
works because it uses DateTime with the floating time zone, and so doesn't
need any real time zone calculations.
Personally, I'm not inclined to spend any time "fixing" this. While it's
true that the tests are not runnable on a first installation, they will be
runnable after DateTime is installed.
Moreover, I'm not convinced that running tests on every installation is
_necessary_. It's the Perl/CPAN way, but it's a pretty unique thing.
Package-based systems like Debian and RedHat do just fine with installing
packages that were tested elsewhere.
I'm going to close this bug, so please don't respond to this ticket, or it
will be re-opened. If you'd like to discuss this further, please do so on
the datetime@perl.org list.
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