Subject: | Test::More run-time or test prerequisite? |
<Sno|> rafl: (sorry to bother again) - sure that Test::More is a prereq
for run and not just for testing in MooseX-LazyRequire-0.03 ?
<@rafl> i'm sure it's just a test prereq
<@rafl> but dzil makes test requirements hard
<@rafl> so i didn't bother
<Sno|> hmm, understood
<@rafl> you're also not bothering at all :-)
<Sno|> I ask because I currently package Moose-Updates for pkgsrc
<@rafl> i've complained several times about dzil's lack of test
requirements already. rjbs says it's on his list.. maybe we can fix this
<@rafl> i guess you could report this to rt, so i won't forget to change
that as soon as dzil supports it
<Sno|> I'll do it (when I finished the updates)