I have been working through your example in the POD on CPAN, but have
hit now a second problem in that some of the required modules in your
examples no longer exist in the package.
Could not load class (Reaction::UI::Renderer::XHTML)
Can't locate Reaction/InterfaceModel/Action/DBIC/ActionReflector.pm
Also, I can't find the place for this link
ln -s <path to reaction install directory>/root/base/ root/base
in either my download of reaction or where the files are installed.
I am running Perl5.8.8 with the latest Catalyst and DBIx::Class
Any help would be gratefully received.
Also, do you have an IRC that we could link to, or a twitter feed that
we could follow.
I managed to find the above classes only in your historical storage on
svn via google, but wonder if they have been removed deliberately or by
accident from trunk.
Andy Brown