Subject: | Module::Install::XSUtil bug |
Hi Goro,
As you can see from my cpan-testers report, the link errors occur under MSVC.
MakeMaker Parameters of Makefile are as follows:
# MakeMaker Parameters:
# ABSTRACT => q[Provides PERL_MAGIC_ext manipulators for XS modules]
# AUTHOR => q[Goro Fuji (gfx) <gfuji(at)>.]
# CCFLAGS => q[-nologo -GF -W3 -MD -Zi -DNDEBUG -O1 -DWIN32 -
# DIR => []
# DISTNAME => q[XS-MagicExt]
# DL_FUNCS => { $(NAME)=>[] }
# FUNCLIST => [q[magic_ext_mgx_attach], q[magic_ext_mgx_find],
q[magic_ext_mgx_detach], q[magic_ext_mgx_attach], q[sv_magicext],
q[SvREFCNT_dec], q[magic_ext_mgx_find], q[SvMAGIC],
# INC => q["-I."]
# NAME => q[XS::MagicExt]
# NO_META => q[1]
# OBJECT => q[$(O_FILES)]
# PL_FILES => { }
# PREREQ_PM => { Test::More=>q[0.88], XSLoader=>q[0.08],
ExtUtils::MakeMaker=>q[6.42], ExtUtils::ParseXS=>q[2.2],
Devel::PPPort=>q[3.19], ExtUtils::CBuilder=>q[0] }
# VERSION => q[0.01]
# clean => { FILES=>q[ppport.h XS-MagicExt-* *.stackdump *.gcda *.gcno
*.gcov nytprof *.out cover_db t/MGX.c t/MGX.o t/MGX.obj t/MGX.dll] }
# dist => { }
# realclean => { FILES=>q[MYMETA.yml] }
# test => { TESTS=>q[t/*.t] }
You should notice that SvMAGIC, SvREFCNT_dec, and sv_magicext as well are
contained in the array reference of FUNCLIST. Those are functions you yourself
may not export, and the link errors are due to that.
Best regards,
Taro Nishino