Subject: | .COM parsing broken |
The latest 2.001 seems to have stopped working against; it's still working for I was trying to verify that the priority column is being fetched correctly. My
wishlist is 6JX9XSIN6VL5.
/opt/local/bin/perl "-Iinc" "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/amazonwish
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /opt/local/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0,
'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/ 1/0# 108ACFCI5OK8I's wishlist at .UK has 71 items
t/ 1/0# 2O4B95NPM1W3L's wishlist at .COM has 0 items
# Failed test 'not an empty list'
# at t/ line 23.
t/ 2/0
# Failed test 'got at least 10 items'
# at t/ line 24.
t/ 3/0# '10'
# <
# '0'
# Failed test 'got at least one highest priority item'
# at t/ line 38.
t/ 4/0
# Failed test 'got at least one high priority item'
# at t/ line 38.
t/ 5/0
# Failed test 'got at least one medium priority item'
# at t/ line 38.
t/ 6/0# 3MGZN132X8XV1's wishlist at .COM has 0 items
t/ 7/0# Looks like you failed 5 tests of 8.
Test returned status 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-6
Failed 5/8 tests, 37.50% okay
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail List of Failed
t/ 5 1280 8 5 2-6
Failed 1/2 test scripts. 5/11 subtests failed.
Files=2, Tests=11, 38 wallclock secs ( 2.66 cusr + 0.10 csys = 2.76 CPU)
Failed 1/2 test programs. 5/11 subtests failed.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 5