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This queue is for tickets about the IMDB-Movie CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 4854
Status: rejected
Priority: 0/
Queue: IMDB-Movie

Owner: JEFFA [...]
Requestors: kbeast98 [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: new returns old values if not matched
Thanks for reporting this. Do you have a code sample that illustrates this behaviour? jeffa
From: .kb
[JEFFA - Wed Jan 7 10:38:18 2004]: Show quoted text
> Thanks for reporting this. > > Do you have a code sample that illustrates this behaviour? > > jeffa
here's the code..sorry its sloppy, and it's probably more than you need, but..not shown, I even reset the values to "" to ensure, but it seems to happen anyway.. basically what it does it once found print out the data, and strip \n's to <br>'s for html and place into a layout that I want it to show as.. my $movie = IMDB::Movie->new("$movielook",'us'); my $title= $movie->title; my $id= $movie->id; my $year= $movie->year; my @dirs= join('\n ',@{$movie->director}); my @writers= join(';',@{$movie->writer}); my $rating= $movie->user_rating, $themsg = "Closest match to <i>$movielook</i> was:" if lc($movielook) ne lc($title); $themsg = "$themsg<br><b>$title</b> (<b>$year</b>) <br>"; $themsg = "$themsg.Writer:<br>" if @writers ne ""; foreach $i (@writers) { $writers[$i] =~ s/\\n/<br> o/g; $writers[$i] =~ s/;/<br><\/b> o<b> /g; $themsg = "$themsg o <b>$writers[$i]</b><br>"; } $themsg = "$themsg.Director:<br>" if @dirs ne ""; foreach $i (@dirs) { $dirs[$i] =~ s/\\n/<br> o/g; $dirs[$i] =~ s/;/<br><\/b> o<b> /g; $themsg = "$themsg o <b>$dirs[$i]</b><br>"; } $themsg = "$themsg.Movie Rating: <b>$rating</b>" if $rating ne><\/b> o<b> /g; print $themsg; }
Subject: IMDB::Movie on hold
Thanks to everyone for submitting these bug reports. I am planning on rewriting IMDB::Movie (using WWW::Mechanize this time) and i will review all of these bugs/feature requests/patches when i write it. jeffa
use IMDB::Film;