Hi Goro,
Unfortunately Module-Install-XSUtil-0.06 also fails as follows:
t/01_example.t .. Unrecognized escape \M passed through in regex; marked by <--
HERE in m/\A (.+ XS\M <-- HERE RO\Compat) .+ \.h \z/ at C:\temp\Module-Install-X
SUtil-0.06\lib/Module/Install/XSUtil.pm line 189.
Unrecognized escape \M passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\A (.+ X
S\M <-- HERE RO\Compat) .+ (\w+) \. (?: lib | dll | a) \z/ at C:\temp\Module-Ins
tall-XSUtil-0.06\lib/Module/Install/XSUtil.pm line 190.
t/01_example.t .. 1/?
In addition, Makefile of "example" directory is remarkable as
follows(MakeMaker Parameters only):
# MakeMaker Parameters:
# ABSTRACT => q[A testing module for Module::Install::XSUtil]
# AUTHOR => q[Goro Fuji (gfx) <gfuji(at)cpan.org>.]
# C => [q[src/bar.c], q[src/Foo.c]]
# CCFLAGS => q[-nologo -GF -W3 -MD -Zi -DNDEBUG -O1 -DWIN32
-DUSE_PPPORT -Wall -Wextra]
# DIR => []
# DISTNAME => q[Foo]
# DL_FUNCS => { $(NAME)=>[q[boot_$(NAME)]] }
# FUNCLIST => [q[foo_is_ok], q[bar_is_ok]]
# INC => q["-IC:\Perl\site\lib\auto\XS\MRO\Compat" "-I." "-Iinclude"
# LIBS => q[-LC:\Perl\site\lib\auto\XS\MRO\Compat -lt]
# NAME => q[Foo]
# NO_META => q[1]
# OBJECT => q[$(O_FILES)]
# PL_FILES => { }
# PREREQ_PM => { XSLoader=>q[0.08], ExtUtils::ParseXS=>q[2.2],
ExtUtils::MakeMaker=>q[6.42], Devel::PPPort=>q[3.19], XS::MRO::Compat=>q
[0.12] }
# VERSION => q[1.23]
# XS => { src/Foo.xs=>q[src/Foo.c] }
# clean => { FILES=>q[ppport.h] }
# dist => { PREOP=>q[$(PERL) -I. "-MModule::Install::Admin" -e
"dist_preop(q($(DISTVNAME)))"] }
# realclean => { FILES=>q[MYMETA.yml] }
As you know, it's only natural that the error should occur.
In the above, you should be aware of "-Wall -Wextra" despite MS VC++.
This is because you overuse function "defined". That is, in even MS,
gccversion is defined as "".
Don't get me wrong.
With these in mind, including the issue of "DL_FUNCS", I wrote a patch.
Could you apply the attached patch?
Best regards,
Taro Nishino
Message body not shown because it is not plain text.