CC: | garu [...] |
Using Shipwright 2.3.1 I managed to add all the prerequisites of Padre
except of Padre 0.41 itself.
It blows up with the following message:
the error is: Can't locate object method "Dump" via package
"Data::Dumper" at line 128.
END failed--call queue aborted.
at /home/gabor/perl5lib/lib/Shipwright/ line 72
Shipwright::Util::run('Shipwright::Util', 'ARRAY(0xa19b8b0)') called at
/home/gabor/perl5lib/lib/Shipwright/Source/ line 333
Shipwright::Source::Base::_follow('Shipwright::Source::Directory=HASH(0xa1adcc0)', '/tmp/shipwright_source_YTKgBx/Padre') called at /home/gabor/perl5lib/lib/Shipwright/Source/ line 46
Shipwright::Source::Directory::run('Shipwright::Source::Directory=HASH(0xa1adcc0)', 'copy', 'HASH(0x9fee880)') called at /home/gabor/perl5lib/lib/Shipwright/Script/ line 157
Shipwright::Script::Import::run('Shipwright::Script::Import=HASH(0x9f5a1f0)', 'dir:/home/gabor/work/padre/trunk/Padre') called at /usr/share/perl5/App/CLI/ line 53
App::CLI::Command::run_command('Shipwright::Script::Import=HASH(0x9f5a1f0)', 'dir:/home/gabor/work/padre/trunk/Padre') called at /usr/share/perl5/App/ line 79
App::CLI::dispatch('Shipwright::Script') called at
/home/gabor/perl5lib/bin/shipwright line 16
cannot remove path when cwd is /tmp/shipwright_source_YTKgBx/Padre for
/tmp/shipwright_source_YTKgBx: at /usr/share/perl5/File/ line 901
Removing the
requires 'Data::Dumper' => 0;
entry from the Makefile.PL of Padre allowed me to include it too.
So we have a workaround for this but it might be nice to fix whatever
the issue might be.