Subject: | Quote characters inside of the field that are not quote-characters because of context. |
Is there anyway to parse something that is
,"Long Back 138" Extra wide",
This isn't my csv, my guess would be a flag or something that specifies
that quotes must be in proximity to the field separator.
Test attached.
Subject: | quote-characterness.t |
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature ':5.10';
use Text::CSV_XS;
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({allow_loose_quotes=>1});
$csv->column_names(qw/foo bar baz/);
use Test::More tests => 1;
while ( my $row = $csv->getline_hr(*DATA) ) { }
unlike ( $csv->error_diag, qr/EIQ - QUO character not allowed/, 'not getting 2023 any more' . $csv->error_diag );
##PROBLEM WITH DATA IN : ',"Supercab Flareside 139" WB 4WD",'
"","N2356A","Used","07/02/2009","21","9999.00","999.00","9999.00","9999.00","","","Available","","1FTEX14H1PKA29724","138924","1993","Ford","F-150","","","Supercab Flareside 139" WB 4WD","","","","","","Gas 8 Cylinder - 5.8L","White","","Manual/Automatic","","","","","0.00","","","","","",""