On Tue Oct 19 04:09:52 2010, PHRED wrote:
Show quoted text> It has a version:
> perl -MModPerl::MethodLookup -e 'print
> $ModPerl::MethodLookup::VERSION'
> 2.000005
> Suggest that per the Fedora Core perl maintainer's recommendation, you
> either use CPAN, or
> Yum to install perl modules. Mixing them will not deliver
> satisfactory results.
That would be great, too bad there are not very many CPAN modules
available in yum for CentOS and/or it's not easy to package them, and
that some essential non-perl packages depend on perl lib yum packages,
so there's no way to do one or the other when building an app - they
have to be mixed.
I got around this by having a list of packages that get skipped in my
script that installs/upgrades the CPAN packages.