Subject: | Suboptimal MANPAGE parsing |
In the CPAN shell (Catalyst::Helper needs to be installed):
Show quoted text
cpan> m Catalyst::Helper
MANPAGE Catalyst::Helper - Bootstrap a Catalyst application [%
name %] - Catalyst based application [% rootname %] - Root Controller
for [% name %] [% appprefix %] - Catalyst CGI [% appprefix
%] - Catalyst FastCGI [% appprefix %] - Catalyst
Testserver [% appprefix %] - Catalyst Test [% appprefix
%] - Create a new Catalyst Component [% class %] - Catalyst [%
long_type %]
This looks quite broken. Other Pod viewers have no problems with this
Pod (I tried perldoc, tkpod, and man). My guess is that the other Pod
parsers stop at the __DATA__ keyword and thus ignore all following Pod
templates. (But I did not find something like this in perlpodspec)