On Sun, 05 Jul 2009, Bill Luebkert wrote:
Show quoted text> > I'm using active state perl 5.10.1004, and when I try to use
> > SetAttributes to set the compress flag I get a true return value
> > (indicating ok?), but the file is not compressed.
> I'd call it a lack of documentation - Set doesn't allow COMPRESS.
The SetFileAttributes() function in Windows indeed doesn't support it,
but that doesn't mean that the Win32::SetFileAttributes() one can't.
We could just implement it behind the scenes and have it work
transparently instead of expecting the user to learn about and use
another module to do this.
The question then becomes: what is the complete set of missing
functionality and can we implement it all using the existing interface?
For example, setting the COMPRESSED attribute on a directory will not
automatically compress all files stored in it. It will only cause *new*
files added to the directory to be compressed.
Therefore, would we also need an interface to actually
compress/uncompress a whole directory tree? If yes, does this belong
into Win32::File, and how should the interface look like?