I'm not certain this is a bug in Pod::POM but I think it probably is, so
I hope you don't mind me reporting it.
perlpodspec mentions the L<"section"> style syntax as linking to a
section within a document. The Perl core docs use this frequently and I
noticed that perldoc.perl.org does not deal with these links correctly.
For example, search for 2 double quotes ("") in
http://perldoc.perl.org/perlnumber.html - the link does not work.
I note that perldoc.perl.org uses Pod::POM behind the scenes, so I have
written an example POD file (see attached) and run it through Pod::POM's
pomdump command.
I note it outputs two double quotes around the section name contained
within double quotes.
I realise this isn't the best bug report ever, but I thought I should
mention and let someone more familiar with the code take it from here.
Subject: | my.pod |
=head1 NAME
My Document
=head1 LINK
L<"Hello World"> and L<Hello World> should link to the same place.
=head1 Hello World
Yes, hello.