Actually this issue does affect the behavior of check_jmx4perl - when
called as a Nagios checkcommand, it returns status UNKNOWN.
Running with '# nagios -epn' is no big deal if you're only using it
for a couple of services, but if you're doing heavy checking (which
eventually I will be), I imagine that epn would matter quite a bit
On Jun 30, 2009, at 13:29 PM, Roland Huss via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> <URL: >
> Indeed, this is a warning echoed when 'use warnings' is active (as
> it seems to be true for ePN).
> But it should be a warning only which shouldn't affect the proper
> working of check_jmx4perl.
> Can you verify this please ?
> For the forthcoming 0.21, which is scheduled for the end of this
> week, this warning is disabled
> (but 'use warnings' is included for the rest)
> FYI, this 'hack' is used to fine tune the appearing of the plugin's
> output in order to start the line
> directly with the status OK, CRITICAL, .... without any disturbing
> prefix.