Subject: | Stricter RFC 3168 adherence INCLUDING PATCH! |
Date: | Fri, 12 Jun 2009 19:38:11 +0000 (UTC) |
To: | bug-Net-Syslog [...] |
From: | mjvincent [...] |
I've been using Net::Syslog (current version 0.03) to test a syslogd I wrote in Perl and found that the message format from Net::Syslog differed from other devices that sent syslog messages (they themselves didn't seem to adhere to a standard). I read RFC 3168 and found there were some missing pieces in Net::Syslog easily remedied. Also, previous bugs reported describe the missing "local7" facility.
Using Activestate Perl v5.8.8 on Windows XP Pro SP3, I coded up some fixes:
1) The priority names were not standardized - easy fix to add the full names, keeping the existing abbreviations for backward compatability.
2) The facility names were not according to standard and some were missing. Again, added missing ones, updated full standard names and kept existing ones for backward compatability.
3) Fixed minor issue when no arguments specified, the defaults were not set to what the POD says they were
4) Included new 'RFC3168' switch to send properly formatted RFC 3168 compliant syslog messages. By default, the original Net::Syslog message format is sent (again, for backward compatability).
5) Minor updates to POD to document changes
The following patch applies these fixes. NOTE: The following patch updates the version of Net::Syslog from 0.03 to 0.04.
----<CLIP HERE>----
--- Mon Apr 27 13:18:10 2009
+++ Fri Jun 12 15:22:49 2009
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
use IO::Socket;
+use Sys::Hostname;
require Exporter;
@@ -12,35 +13,51 @@
@EXPORT = qw(
-$VERSION = '0.03';
+$VERSION = '0.04';
# Preloaded methods go here.
my %syslog_priorities=(
emerg => 0,
+ emergency => 0,
alert => 1,
crit => 2,
+ critical => 2,
err => 3,
+ error => 3,
warning => 4,
notice => 5,
info => 6,
+ informational => 6,
debug => 7
my %syslog_facilities=(
kern => 0,
+ kernel => 0,
user => 1,
mail => 2,
daemon => 3,
+ system => 3,
auth => 4,
+ security => 4,
syslog => 5,
+ internal => 5,
lpr => 6,
+ printer => 6,
news => 7,
uucp => 8,
cron => 9,
+ clock => 9,
authpriv=> 10,
+ security2 => 10,
ftp => 11,
+ FTP => 11,
+ NTP => 12,
+ audit => 13,
+ alert => 14,
+ clock2 => 15,
local0 => 16,
local1 => 17,
local2 => 18,
@@ -48,8 +65,10 @@
local4 => 20,
local5 => 21,
local6 => 22,
+ local7 => 23
+my @month = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
sub new{
my $class = shift;
@@ -59,7 +78,7 @@
my $self = { Name => $name,
Facility => 'local5',
- Priority => 'err',
+ Priority => 'error',
SyslogPort => 514,
SyslogHost => ''};
bless $self,$class;
@@ -80,18 +99,21 @@
my $pid=$$;
- my $facility_i=$syslog_facilities{$local{Facility}};
- my $priority_i=$syslog_priorities{$local{Priority}};
- if(!defined $facility_i){
- $facility_i=21;
- }
- if(!defined $priority_i){
- $priority_i=4;
- }
+ my $facility_i = $syslog_facilities{$local{Facility}} || 21;
+ my $priority_i = $syslog_priorities{$local{Priority}} || 3;
my $d=(($facility_i<<3)|($priority_i));
- my $message = "<$d>$local{Name}\[$pid\]: $msg";
+ my $host = inet_ntoa((gethostbyname(hostname))[4]);
+ my @time = localtime();
+ my $ts = $month[$time[4]] . " " . (($time[3] < 10)?(" " . $time[3]):$time[3]) . " " . (($time[2] < 10)?("0" . $time[2]):$time[2]) . ":" . (($time[1] < 10)?("0" . $time[1]):$time[1]) . ":" . (($time[0] < 10)?("0" . $time[0]):$time[0]);
+ my $message = '';
+ if ($local{rfc3164}) {
+ $message = "<$d>$ts $host $local{Name}\[$pid\]: $msg"
+ } else {
+ $message = "<$d>$local{Name}\[$pid\]: $msg"
+ }
my $sock=new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $local{SyslogHost},
PeerPort => $local{SyslogPort},
@@ -133,18 +155,22 @@
Name <calling script name>
Facility local5
- Priority err
+ Priority error
SyslogPort 514
Valid Facilities are:
- kern, user, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, lpr, news, uucp, cron,
- authpriv, ftp, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6
+ kernel, user, mail, system, security, internal, printer, news,
+ uucp, clock, security2, FTP, NTP, audit, alert, clock2, local0,
+ local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7
Valid Priorities are:
- emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug
+ emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, informational,
+ debug
+ rfc3164 => 1
+to enable RFC 3164 messages including timestamp and hostname.
=head1 AUTHOR
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