I'm writing a Perl/Tk application that has a nested tab structure, the
hierarchy being NoteBook->DynaTabFrame->NoteBook. What's interesting is
that the add methods (visually) work opposite of each other, i.e., a new
NoteBook tab appears at the end (far right) of the list, while a new
DynaTabFrame tab appears at the beginning (far left) of the list. The
example code renders A B C, F E D, G H I.
Can an option be created that allows one to control which end a new tab
will be added to?
SunOS 5.8 / Perl 5.8.8
use warnings;
use strict;
use Tk;
my $mw = MainWindow->new();
my $body_frm = $mw->Frame()->pack(-ipadx => 100);
my $nb_1 = $body_frm->NoteBook()->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
for my $one (qw(A B C)) {
my $tab = $nb_1->add($one, -label => $one);
my $nb_2 = $tab->DynaTabFrame(
-tabpadx => 6,
)->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
for my $two (qw(D E F)) {
my $tab = $nb_2->add($two, -label => $two);
my $nb_3 = $tab->NoteBook()->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
for my $three (qw(G H I)) {
$nb_3->add($three, -label => $three);