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This queue is for tickets about the Finance-Quote CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 46083
Status: open
Priority: 0/
Queue: Finance-Quote

Owner: eco [...]
Requestors: bc.10.orangerd [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: New script for MorningStar JP
Hello devs, I've attached a patch + unit test for obtaining fund prices from Morningstar Japan. Appreciate it if you could take a look and include it in the next Finance::Quote release. Thanks for the great work!
#!/usr/bin/perl -w package Finance::Quote::MorningstarJp; require 5.005; use strict; use vars qw/$VERSION $MORNINGSTAR_SNAPSHOT_JP_URL $MORNINGSTAR_BASIC_JP_URL $MORNINGSTAR_RATING_JP_URL/; use Encode; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; use HTML::Parser; use XML::XPath; $VERSION = '1.0'; $MORNINGSTAR_SNAPSHOT_JP_URL = ''; sub methods { return ( morningstar_jp => \&morningstar_jp ); } { my @labels = qw/symbol name last date currency net method/; sub labels { return ( morningstar_jp => \@labels ); } } sub morningstar_jp { my $quoter = shift; my @symbols = @_; return unless @symbols; my ( $user_agent, $snapshot_url, $snapshot_reply, $snapshot_content, $snapshot_root, $snapshot_parser, %funds ); foreach my $symbol (@symbols) { $user_agent = $quoter->user_agent; $snapshot_url = $MORNINGSTAR_SNAPSHOT_JP_URL . $symbol; $snapshot_reply = $user_agent->request( GET($snapshot_url) ); unless ( $snapshot_reply->is_success() ) { foreach my $symbol (@symbols) { $funds{ $symbol, 'success' } = 0; $funds{ $symbol, 'errormsg' } = 'HTTP failure'; } return wantarray ? %funds : \%funds; } $snapshot_content = decode( 'shiftjis', $snapshot_reply->content() ); $snapshot_root = parseHtml($snapshot_content); if ($snapshot_root) { $snapshot_parser = XML::XPath->new( context => $snapshot_root ); # XPath to the fund name if ( scalar( my @fundname_list = $snapshot_parser->findnodes("/descendant::node()/child::comment()[contains(self::comment(), '\x{25bd}\x{30d5}\x{30a1}\x{30f3}\x{30c9}\x{540d}')]/following-sibling::node()/tr/td/td/span/b/text()")->get_nodelist() ) > 0 ) { $funds{ $symbol, 'name' } = $fundname_list[0]->toString(); $funds{ $symbol, 'symbol' } = $symbol; $funds{ $symbol, 'currency' } = 'JPY'; $funds{ $symbol, 'timezone' } = 'Asia/Japan'; $funds{ $symbol, 'success' } = 1; $funds{ $symbol, 'method' } = 'morningstar_jp'; # XPath to the date if ( scalar( my @date_list = $snapshot_parser->findnodes("/descendant::node()[contains(child::comment(), '\x{57fa}\x{672c}\x{60c5}\x{5831}')]/table/tr/table/tr/td/div/text()")->get_nodelist() ) > 0 ) { my $date = $date_list[0]->toString(); $date =~ m/\x{57fa}\x{6e96}\x{4fa1}\x{984d}\((\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\)/; $date = sprintf( "%02d/%02d/%02d", $2, $3, $1 % 100 ); $funds{ $symbol, 'date' } = $date; } # XPath to the last price if ( scalar( my @last_list = $snapshot_parser->findnodes("/descendant::node()[contains(child::comment(), '\x{57fa}\x{672c}\x{60c5}\x{5831}')]/table/tr/table/tr/td[2]/div/text()")->get_nodelist() ) > 0 ) { my $last = $last_list[0]->toString(); $last =~ s/[, ]//g; $last =~ s/\x{5186}//g; $funds{ $symbol, 'last' } = $last / 10000; } # XPath to the net price change if ( scalar( my @net_list = $snapshot_parser->findnodes("/descendant::node()[contains(child::comment(), '\x{57fa}\x{672c}\x{60c5}\x{5831}')]/table/tr/table/tr[2]/tr/td[2]/div/text()")->get_nodelist() ) > 0 ) { my $net = $net_list[0]->toString(); $net =~ s/[, ]//g; $net =~ s/\x{5186}//g; $funds{ $symbol, 'net' } = $net; } } } unless ( $funds{ $symbol, 'success' } ) { $funds{ $symbol, 'success' } = 0; $funds{ $symbol, 'errormsg' } = 'Fund name not found'; } } return %funds if wantarray; return \%funds; } sub parseHtml { my ($content) = @_; my $xml_root; my $xml_current; my $html_parser = new HTML::Parser( api_version => 3, case_sensitive => 1, empty_element_tags => 1, handlers => { comment => [ sub { my ($token0) = @_; my $comment_node = new XML::XPath::Node::Comment($token0); $xml_current->appendChild($comment_node); }, 'token0' ], end => [ sub { $xml_current = $xml_current->getParentNode(); }, ], end_document => [ sub { $xml_current = undef; }, ], process => [ sub { my ( $tagname, $token0 ) = @_; my $process_node = new XML::XPath::Node::PI( $tagname, $token0 ); $xml_current->appendChild($process_node); }, 'tagname, token0' ], start => [ sub { my ( $tagname, $attrseq, $attr ) = @_; my $element_node = new XML::XPath::Node::Element($tagname); foreach my $attr_key (@$attrseq) { my $attribute_node = new XML::XPath::Node::Attribute( $attr_key, $attr->{$attr_key} ); $element_node->appendAttribute($attribute_node); } $xml_current->appendChild($element_node); $xml_current = $element_node; }, 'tagname, attrseq, attr' ], start_document => [ sub { $xml_root = new XML::XPath::Node::Element('root'); $xml_current = $xml_root; }, ], text => [ sub { my ($dtext) = @_; my $text_node = new XML::XPath::Node::Text($dtext); $xml_current->appendChild($text_node); }, 'dtext' ], }, ); $html_parser->parse($content); return $xml_root; } 1; =head1 NAME Finance::Quote::MorningstarJP - Obtain fund prices from Morningstar Japan =head1 SYNOPSIS use Finance::Quote; $q = Finance::Quote->new; %fundinfo = $q->fetch("morningstar_jp","fund name"); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module obtains information about Japanese fund prices from =head1 FUND NAMES Visit, and search for your fund. Open the link to the fund information, and you will get a URL like this: The fund name is the alphanumerical characters after "fnc=" (in this case, it's 51311021) =head1 LABELS RETURNED Information available from Japanese funds may include the following labels: symbol name last date currency net method The prices are updated at the end of each bank day. =cut
#!/usr/bin/perl -w require 5.005; use strict; use Test::More; use Finance::Quote; if ( not $ENV{ONLINE_TEST} ) { plan skip_all => 'Set $ENV{ONLINE_TEST} to run this test'; } plan tests => 9; # Test MorningstarJp functions my $q = Finance::Quote->new(); my %quotes = $q->morningstar_jp( "1031186A", "BOGUS" ); ok(%quotes); # Check all the defined values ok( length( $quotes{ "1031186A", "symbol" } ) > 0 ); ok( length( $quotes{ "1031186A", "name" } ) > 0 ); ok( length( $quotes{ "1031186A", "date" } ) > 0 ); ok( $quotes{ "1031186A", "last" } > 0 ); ok( $quotes{ "1031186A", "currency" } eq "JPY" ); ok( $quotes{ "1031186A", "net" } ); ok( $quotes{ "1031186A", "success" } ); # Check that a bogus stock returns no-success ok( !$quotes{ "BOGUS", "success" } );
On Thu May 14 12:34:44 2009, orangerd wrote: Show quoted text
> Hello devs, > > I've attached a patch + unit test for obtaining fund prices from > Morningstar Japan. Appreciate it if you could take a look and include > it in the next Finance::Quote release. Thanks for the great work!
hi, sorry for the late response... I've checked your patch and created a branch for morningstarJP on github. I've seen you added XML::XPath in your module. This module isn't currently in the list of required modules and therefor would add a new requisite. I'd prefer not to do that if possible. Would it be possible to convert the module to use HTML::TableExtract or HTML::TreeBuilder instead ? Thanks for your coding! -- Erik