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This queue is for tickets about the Net-Amazon-S3 CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 44780
Status: rejected
Priority: 0/
Queue: Net-Amazon-S3

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: jesse [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: use strict;
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 09:44:20 -0400
To: bug-Net-Amazon-S3 [...]
From: Jesse Vincent <jesse [...]>
=head1 NAME s3cl - Command line for Amazon s3 cloud storage =head1 SYNOPSIS s3cl command [options] s3cl buckets s3cl mkbucket --bucket some_bucket_name --jurisdiction [EU|US] s3cl ls <bucket>:[prefix] s3cl cp <bucket>:<key> /path/[filename] s3cl sync <bucket>:[prefix] /path/ s3cl rm <bucket>:<key> Options: -help brief help message -man full documentation We take NO responsibility for the costs incured through using this script. To run this script, you need to set a pair of environment variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET =head1 DESCRIPTION This program gives a command line interface to Amazons s3 storage service. It does not limit the number of requests (which may cost you more money than if you did it a different way!) and each request costs Money (although some costs from EC2 may be $0.0, check latest from Amazon costs page) - we take NO reponsibility for your bill. =cut my $s3; my %args; my %commands = ( mkbucket => \&mk_bucket, buckets => \&buckets, ls => \&ls, rm => \&rm, cp => \&cp, sync => \&sync, help => \&helper, ); main(); sub main { terminal(); get_options(); init_s3(); my $command = shift @ARGV || "help"; $commands{$command} or helper("Unknown command: $command"); $commands{$command}->(); } sub init_s3 { # TODO: read key_id and secret from config file? # use AppConfig; # TODO: probably nicer to put all of this in Net::Amazon::S3::CommandLine # and have simple call to that from here. my $aws_access_key_id = $ENV{'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'}; my $aws_secret_access_key = $ENV{'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET'}; $s3 = Net::Amazon::S3->new( { aws_access_key_id => $aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key => $aws_secret_access_key, retry => 1, } ); } sub sync { my $dest = $args{dest} || ''; helper("No destination supplied") if $dest eq ''; helper("Can not write to: $args{dest}") unless -w $dest; my $bucket = _get_bucket(); my $list = ls('data'); foreach my $key ( @{ $list->{keys} } ) { my $source = file( $key->{key} ); my $destination = file( $dest, $source ); $destination->dir->mkpath(); warn "$source -> $destination"; my $response = $bucket->get_key_filename( $source->stringify, 'GET', $destination->stringify ) or die $s3->err . ": " . $s3->errstr; } } sub cp { my $dest = $args{dest} || ''; helper("No destination supplied") if $dest eq ''; my $key = $args{prefix_or_key} || helper("No key supplied"); if ( -d $dest ) { # If we have a directory we need to add the file name $dest = file( $dest, file($key)->basename ); } my $bucket = _get_bucket(); unless ( $bucket->get_key_filename( "$key", 'GET', "$dest" ) ) { die $s3->err . ": " . $s3->errstr if $s3->err; die "Could not copy $key from bucket $args{bucket}"; } } sub ls { my $mode = shift || 'print'; my $bucket = _get_bucket(); my $ls_conf; $ls_conf->{prefix} = $args{prefix_or_key} if $args{prefix_or_key}; # list files in the bucket my $response = $bucket->list_all($ls_conf) or die $s3->err . ": " . $s3->errstr; return $response if $mode eq 'data'; foreach my $key ( @{ $response->{keys} } ) { my $key_last_modified = $key->{last_modified}; # 2008-07-14T22:31:10.000Z $key_last_modified =~ s/:\d{2}\.\d{3}Z$//; my $key_name = $key->{key}; my $key_size = $key->{size}; print "$key_size $key_last_modified $key_name\n"; } } sub rm { my $bucket = _get_bucket(); helper("Must have a <bucket>:<key>") unless $args{prefix_or_key}; my $res = "NO"; if ( $args{force} ) { $res = 'y'; } else { print "\nOnce deleted there is no way to retrieve this key again." . "\nAre you sure you want to delete $args{bucket}:$args{prefix_or_key}? y/N\n"; ( $res = <STDIN> ) =~ s/\n//; } if ( $res eq 'y' ) { # delete key in this bucket my $response = $bucket->delete_key( $args{prefix_or_key} ) or die $s3->err . ": " . $s3->errstr; } } sub mk_bucket { my $bucketname = $args{bucket}; my $bucket = $s3->add_bucket( { bucket => $bucketname, location_constraint => 'EU' } ) or die $s3->err . ": " . $s3->errstr; } sub buckets { my $response = $s3->buckets; my $num = scalar @{ $response->{buckets} || [] }; print "You have $num bucket"; print "s" if $num != 1; print ":\n"; foreach my $bucket ( @{ $response->{buckets} } ) { print '- ' . $bucket->bucket . "\n"; } } sub terminal { my $encoding = eval { require Term::Encoding; Term::Encoding::get_encoding(); } || "utf-8"; binmode STDOUT, ":encoding($encoding)"; } # TODO: Replace with AppConfig this is ick! sub get_options { my $help = 0; my $man = 0; my $force = 0; my $loc = "US"; my $bucket = ""; GetOptions( \%args, "bucket=s", "jurisdiction=s", "f|force" => \$force, "h|help|?" => \$help, "man" => \$man, ) or pod2usage(2); $args{force} = $force; foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { if ( $arg =~ /:/ ) { my ( $b, $rest ) = split( ":", $arg ); $args{bucket} = $b; $args{prefix_or_key} = $rest; } } # For cp $args{dest} = $ARGV[2] if $ARGV[2]; pod2usage(1) if $help || @ARGV == 0; pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $man; } sub _get_bucket { helper("No bucket supplied") unless $args{bucket}; my $bucket = $s3->bucket( $args{bucket} ); die $s3->err . ": " . $s3->errstr if $s3->err; helper("Could not get bucket $args{bucket}") unless $bucket; return $bucket; } sub helper { my $msg = shift; if ($msg) { pod2usage( -message => $msg, -exitval => 2 ); } exit; } __DATA__ =head1 COMMANDS =over 4 =item B<buckets> s3cl buckets List all buckets for this account. =item B<mkbucket> s3cl mkbucket --bucket sombucketname [--jurisdiction [EU|US]] Create a new bucket, optionally specifying what jurisdiction it should be created in. =item B<ls> s3cl ls <bucket>:[prefix] List contents of a bucket, the optional B<prefix> can be partial, in which case all keys matching this as the start of the key name will be returned. If no B<prefix> is supplied all keys of the bucket will be returned. =item B<cp> s3cl cp <bucket>:<key> target_file s3cl cp <bucket>:<key> target_directory Copy a single key from the bucket to the target file, or into the target_directory. =item B<sync> s3cl sync <bucket>:[prefix] target_dir Downloads all files matching the prefix into a directory structure replicating that of the prefix and all 'sub-directories'. It will download ALL files - even if already on your local disk: # Data transfer "in" and "out" refers to transfer into and out # of Amazon S3. Data transferred between Amazon EC2 and # Amazon S3, is free of charge (i.e., $0.00 per GB), except # data transferred between Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3-Europe, # which will be charged at regular rates. =item B<rm> s3cl rm <bucket>:<key> Remove a key(file) from the bucket, removing a non-existent file is not classed as an error. Once removed the key (file) can not be restored - so use with care! =back =head1 ABOUT This module contains code modified from Amazon that contains the following notice (which is also applicicable to this code): # This software code is made available "AS IS" without # warranties of any kind. You may copy, display, modify and # redistribute the software code either by itself or as incorporated # into your code; provided that you do not remove any proprietary # notices. Your use of this software code is at your own risk and # you waive any claim against Amazon Digital Services, Inc. or its # affiliates with respect to your use of this software code. # (c) 2006 Amazon Digital Services, Inc. or its affiliates. =head1 AUTHOR Leo Lapworth <> - Part of the HinuHinu project =cut
This was a net-amazon-s3 fumble. Rejecting.
Rejected as requested. Leon